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DHI : Flow DHI : Pressure DHI : Software Pressurements Ruska Software
COMPASS® for molbox™
COMPASS® for Pressure
COMPASS® for molbox™



The DHI molbloc/molbox™, is a unique gas flow standard offering state of the art metrology from 1 sccm to 100 slm with a wide variety of gases and real time measurement capability. COMPASS for molbox software works with molbloc/molbox to create a full function calibration system. The result is the optimal flow calibration system combining the outstanding performance of molbloc/molbox with the power, versatility and features of a modern PC based application.

• Usable on any IBM-PC or compatible computer with an available COM port and running Windows95 or higher
• Supports both molbox1 and molbox RFM
• A true Windows® application following Windows protocol for file management, menu and
message formatting, graphics and editing 
• Other applications can be run without interrupting test execution 
• Complete online  Help facility with Tool Tips 
• Customizable user interface with scalable windows 
• Calibrate and test a wide variety of devices including: MFCs, MFMs, rotometers, turbine meters,  bubble meters and others 
• Fully automated testing of both analog and digital MFCs
• Automated flow control support for testing flow measure only devices 
• Flow corrections with automated ambient pressure and temperature entry for density dependent DUTs
• Log extra data from the DUT during the test with user defined commands
• Open hardware configuration allows simple integration of third party acquisition, control, and pressure and temperature measurement hardware.
• Sets up and maintains DUT database with unique DUT characteristics, test scripts and histories. 
• Process gas editing tool includes complete gas conversion factors for most major MFC manufacturers and automatically calculates conversion factors for missing relationships and blends
• Produces standard, delimited test data files for easy downloading into other software programs if desired 
• Test data files stored in user definable directory structure 
• 100 % customizable test report generation tool with preformatted templates 
• Extensive on-board plotting function to create a variety of test date plot

회사소개 제품소개 견적및데모요청

법인명 : 주식회사 티앤씨  경기도 광명시 하안로 60, 광명SK테크노파크 A동 808호  사업자등록번호 108-81-96584  대표이사 : 김용정
  전화: 02-2635-6859   팩스: 02-6008-3672   이메일: info@tandc.co.kr

