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데이터 로거 함수 발생기 RCL 미터
Fluke-280 Series
Fluke-290 Series
Fluke-280 Series

FLUKE-280 Series


Arbitrary Waveforms
Waveforms Maximum waveform size is 65,536 points; minimum waveform size is 4 points. Up to 100 user defined waveforms may be stored in the 256 K point nonvolatile RAM. Waveforms can be defined by front panel editing controls or by downloading of waveform data via RS-232 or GPIB.
Waveform memory 64 k points per channel
Vertical resolution 12 bits
Sample clock 100 mHz to 40 MHz
Resolution 4 digits
Accuracy ± 1 digit of setting
Sequencing Up to 16 waveforms may be linked. Each waveform can have a loop count of up to 32,768. A sequence of waveforms can be looped up to 1,048,575 times or run continuously.
Output filter Selectable between 16 MHz Elliptic, 10 MHz Elliptic, 10 MHz Bessel or none


Standard Waveforms

All Waveforms
  10 ppm for 1 year
Temp. stability
  Typically < 1 ppm/ºC.
Output level
  2.5 mV to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω


Sine, Cosine, Haversine, Havercosine
  0.1 mHz to 16 MHz
  0.1 mHz or 7 digits
Harmonic distortion
  < 0.1 % THD to 100 kHz;
  < –65 dBc to 20 kHz,
  < –50 dBc to 300 kHz,
  < –35 dBc to 10 MHz
  < –30 dBc to 16 MHz
Nonharmonic spurii
  < –65 dBc to 1 MHz,
  < –65 dBc + 6 dB/octave 1 MHz to 16 MHz


  1 mHz to 16 MHz
  1 mHz (4 digits)
  ± 1 digit of setting
Rise/fall times
  < 25 ns


Pulse and Pulse Train
Rise/fall times
  < 25 ns
Period range
  100 ns to 100 s
Period resolution
  4 digit
  ± 1 digit of setting
Delay range
  –99.99 s to + 99.99 s
Delay resolution
  0.002 % of period or 25 ns, whichever is greater
Width range
  25 ns to 99.99 s
Width resolution
  0.002 % of period or 25 ns, whichever is greater


  0.1 mHz to 100 kHz
  0.1 mHz or 7 digits
Linearity error
  < 0.1 % to 30 kHz


Ramps and Sin(x)/x
  0.1 mHz to 100 kHz
  0.1 mHz (7 digits)
Linearity error
  0.1 % to 30 kHz
Note: The pulse width and absolute value of the delay may not exceed the pulse period at any time. Repetition rate is set by the pulse train period.

Operating Modes

Operating Modes
  Waveform runs continuously
Triggered Burst
  Each active edge of the trigger signal will produce one burst of the waveform
Carrier waveforms
  All standard and arbitrary
Max. Carrier Frequency
  40 Msamples/s for ARB and Sequence. 1 MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform.
Number of cycles
  1 to 1,048,575
Trigger repetition
  0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal dc to 1 MHz external
Trigger signal source
  Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next channel or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Trigger start/stop phase
  ± 360 ° settable with 0.1 ° resolution, subject to waveform frequency and type
Waveform will run while the Gate signal is true and stop while false  
Carrier waveforms
  All standard and arbitrary
Max. carrier frequency
  40 Msamples/s for ARB and Sequence. 1 MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform.
Number of cycles
  1 to 1,048,575
Trigger repetition
  0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal dc to 1 MHz external
Gate signal source
  Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next channel or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Gate start/stop phase
  ± 360 ° settable with 0.1 ° resolution, subject to waveform frequency and type
Frequency sweep capability is provided for both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS techniques are used to perform the sweep.  
Carrier waveforms
  All standard and arbitrary except pulse, pulse train and sequence
Sweep mode
  Linear or logarithmic, triggered or continuous
Sweep direction
  Up, down, up/down or down/up
Sweep range
  From 1 mHz to 16 MHz in one range. Phase continuous. Independent setting of the start and stop frequency.
Sweep time
  30 ms to 999 s
  Variable during sweep
Sweep trigger source
  The sweep may be free run or triggered from the following sources: Manually from keyboard. Externally from TRIG IN input or remote interface.
Sweep hold
  Sweep can be held and restarted by the HOLD key
Multi channel sweep
  Any number of channels may be swept simultaneously but the sweep parameters will be the same for all channels. Amplitude, Offset and Waveform can be set independently for each channel.
Tone Switching
Capability provided for both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS techniques are used to allow instantaneous frequency switching.  
Carrier waveforms
  All except pulse, pulse train and sequence
Frequency list
  Up to 16 frequencies from 1 mHz to 10 MHz
Trigger repetition rate
  0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal. DC to 1 MHz external. Usable repetition rate and waveform frequency depend on the tone switching mode.
  Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next channel or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Tone switching modes
  The tone is output while the trigger signal is true and stopped, at the end of the current waveform cycle, while the trigger signal is false. The next tone is output when the trigger signal is true again.
  The tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output, at the end of the current waveform cycle, when the trigger signal goes true again.
  The tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output, immediately, when the trigger signal goes true again. Using 2 channels with their outputs summed together it is possible to generate DTMF test signals.
Trigger Generator
Internal source 0.005 Hz to 100 kHz square wave adjustable in 10 us steps. 3-digit resolution. Available for external use from any SYNCOUT socket.  


Main Outputs – One for each channel
Output impedance
  50 Ω
  5 mV to 20 Vpp open circuit (2.5 mV to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω). Amplitude can be specified open circuit (hi Z) or into an assumed load of 50 Ω or 600 Ω Vpkpk, Vrms or dBm.
Amplitude accuracy
  2 % ± 1 mV at 1 kHz into 50 Ω
Amplitude flatness
  ± 0.2 dB to 200 kHz; ± 1 dB to 10 MHz; ± 2.5 dB to 16 MHz
DC offset range
  ± 10 V from 50 Ω. Offset plus signal peak limited to ± 10 V
DC offset accuracy
  Typically 3 % ± 10 mV, unattenuated
  3 digits or 1 mV for both amplitude and dc offset
Sync Out – One for each channel
Multifunction output user definable or automatically selected to be any of the following:  
Waveform sync (all waveforms)
  A square wave with 50 % duty cycle at the main waveform frequency, or a pulse coincident with the first few points of an arbitrary waveform
Position markers
  Any point(s) on the waveform may have associated marker bit(s) set high or low
Burst done
  Produces a pulse coincident with the last cycle of a burst.
Sequence sync
  Produces a pulse coincident with the end of a waveform sequence.
  Selects the current trigger signal. Useful for synchronizing burst or gated signals.
Sweep sync
  Outputs a pulse at the start of sweep to synchronize an oscilloscope or recorder.
Phase lock out
  Used to phase lock two generators. Produces a positive edge at the 0 ° phase point.
Output signal level
  TTL/CMOS logic levels from typically 50 Ω.
Cursor/marker out
  Adjustable output pulse for use as a marker in sweep mode or as a cursor in arbitrary waveform editing mode. Can be used to modulate the Z axis of an oscilloscope or be displayed on a second ‘scope channel.
  Output Signal Level: Adjustable from nominally 2 V to 14 V, normal or inverted; adjustable width as a cursor.
Output impedance
  600 Ω typical


Trig In
Frequency range
  DC to 1 MHz
Signal range
  Threshold nominally TTL level; maximum input ± 10 V
Min. pulse width
  50 ns, for Trigger/Gate; 50 us for Sweep mode
  Selectable as high/rising edge or low/falling edge
Input impedance
  10 kΩ


Modulation In
Frequency range
  DC to 100 kHz
VCA signal range
  Approximately 1 V pkpk for 100 % level change at maximum output
SCM signal range
  Approximately ± 1 V pk for maximum output
Input impedance
  Typically 1 kΩ


Sum In
Frequency range
  DC to 8 MHz
Signal range
  Approximately 2 V pk-pk input for 20 V pk-pk output
Input impedance
  Typically 1 kΩ


  Holds an arbitrary waveform at its current position. A TTL low level or switch closure causes the waveform to stop at the current position and wait until a TTL high level or switch opening which allows the waveform to continue. The front panel MAN HOLD key or remote command may also be used to control the Hold function. While held the front panel MAN TRIG key or remote command may be used to return the waveform to the start. The Hold input may be enabled independently for each channel.


회사소개 제품소개 견적및데모요청

법인명 : 주식회사 티앤씨  경기도 광명시 하안로 60, 광명SK테크노파크 A동 808호  사업자등록번호 108-81-96584  대표이사 : 김용정
  전화: 02-2635-6859   팩스: 02-6008-3672   이메일: info@tandc.co.kr

