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DHI : Flow DHI : Pressure DHI : Software Pressurements Ruska Software
Barcode Magician®
Change/Log Software Plug-in for MET/CAL® Plus
MET/CAL® EMAIL Automated E-Mail Generator
MET/CAL® Plus Calibration Management Software
Metrology XplorerTM
MET/CAL® EMAIL Automated E-Mail Generator



Schedule and deliver e-mail from your MET/TRACK® system

MET/CAL EMAIL allows you to schedule the delivery of HTML-formatted e-mail from your MET/TRACK® system to your customers or other personnel. Developed by Fluke software partner On Time Support, MET/CAL EMAIL provides a simple web-based interface that enables you to schedule messages to be sent automatically. Messages might include instruments due for calibration, escalation reports, instruments significantly out of tolerance, instruments due for pickup, customer feedback survey requests, and more

Email recipients may be individuals, groups, or both. There is no limit for the number of groups you can set up, and individuals can be members of multiple groups.

Email schedules are easy to set up, using scheduling methods resembling those available to users of Microsoft and typical UNIX systems.

Creating reports is fast and easy. The format of the reports is totally up to the user. For example, the system administrator could create reports that produce automated survey forms. Initially, the report formats are in HTML, with a pleasing tabular-style display. These may be modified by the administrator.

MET/CAL EMAIL is installed on the MET/TRACK server; there is no client installation. The server does not need to be re-booted after the installation, so there is no interruption to a production server. ODBC and web servers are not required for the installation. System administration is accomplished using a modern web browser that supports JavaScript, CSS 1.0, and DOM 1.0 (Mozilla 1.6+, Mozilla Firefox 1.0+, Netscape 7.1+, Internet Explorer 6+).

Requires MET/CAL Plus version 7 or higher.


회사소개 제품소개 견적및데모요청

법인명 : 주식회사 티앤씨  경기도 광명시 하안로 60, 광명SK테크노파크 A동 808호  사업자등록번호 108-81-96584  대표이사 : 김용정
  전화: 02-2635-6859   팩스: 02-6008-3672   이메일: info@tandc.co.kr

